Brands are constantly asking how they can relate to Gen Z and it can be hard for many of the most experienced (old) creatives to understand best how Gen Z thinks and reacts to advertising. Myself and other Gen Z creatives at our agency noticed how often other agency employees were coming to us and asking whether an idea they planned to pitch was cool or cringey. They appreciated that Gen Z perspective we would offer.

After realizing how helpful this was we decided to offer a more official service to the Publicis employees at large in the form of a private discord server.

Featured in Agency Spy & Adage

⬇️ Check out our launch video below ⬇️

The Cringe Check Discord consists of three channels:

Cringe Check

The Cringe Check channel is a place where you can ask if specific ideas or executions are cringe or not. Whenever someone posed the question myself or another one of the Gen Z staff would give an answer of Cool or Cringe and a brief explanation of why. If the answer was cringe we would also suggest potential changes to take it from Cringe to cool

Trend Alert

Trend alert was a space for current trends on TikTok primarily but other social media platforms as well. Anyone could post trends they came across. As moderators we would post a new trend at least every other day with a brief explanation of the trend and if we thought a brand could get involved and how quickly they should do so.

Slang Translator

Slang Translator is simply that, a translation tool. Publicis employees would ask what a slang term means and we would do our best to translate it into simply english. Like any other dictionary in addition to the definition we would offer a few uses in a sentence.




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